Fiber Install Petition/Coordination

Hello! Hopefully if you're seeing this page it's because you are interested in supporting my request to get Fiber internet installed in our neighborhood.

I've listed some of the many advantages to having Fiber internet below. If you'd be interested in switching to fiber internet if it was installed here please fill out the minimal form below. It's just to be used as supporting evidence in my communications with possible fiber providers.

I'm not associated with any specific fiber provider, nor do I have any direct monetary interest in getting fiber. My goal here is simply getting fiber to the home, and not having to deal with Comcast any longer. My plan is to reach out to Peak, Ziply, and Alyrica.

For Peak, you can also express your interest through this web-page: 

If you have any recommendations or thoughts please include them in the form below!

Thank You!  - Brenden Hatton

1. Speed

2. Reliability

3. Bandwidth

4. Future-Proofing

5. Security

6. Value Addition

7. Cost-Effective Over Time